"Kids & learning go together like peanut butter & jelly"

The Peanut Butter and Jelly Co-op Vision and Mission

Peanut Butter and Jelly is a secular, inclusive group of homeschooling families that gather together to create a community of strong relationships and support home education by hosting fun, engaging, and enriching classes. 

Values of Peanut Butter and Jelly Co-op

Enrichment Classes

PB&J co-op offers collaborative, hands-on, project based enrichment style classes from ages six to fifteen.  Siblings are welcome but are classes are geared toward school age.  At PB&J we believe that all ages work and learn best together.  While our age group of 8-16 year old's will divide off and focus on more age appropriate activities in Art, STEM and electives. PB&J still values a learning environment where kids are all together.  Afterall that is what Homeschooling is about.  Students that attend PB&J co-op will be guided in their enrichment learning by parent volunteers in the following categories: Art, STEM, and Electives.  Actual class offerings vary from semester to semester but all classes fall under these categories and adhere to PB&J Co-op's vision for enrichment-style learning. 


Electives will focus on the interest of the kiddos at PB&J. 


Creating individual artwork.  Ensuring all kids are using tools & being challenged based on their ages.  This will go with the theme of the class for the week.  


STEM class will focus on sparking imagination, creativity, and learning through hands on lessons and experiments in ways that naturally align with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

PB&J Co-op Fall Semester Starts August 22nd!

Fall is full, but please reach out for Spring. 


Waitlist  https://forms.gle/MyjzSppSfuHNr8rZ9


PB&J Fall 2023 Semester Dates

September 7th through December 14th

PB&J Spring 2024 Semester Dates

January 4th through May 9th

PB&J Fall 2024 Semester Dates

August 22nd through December 19th

Co-op FAQs

For questions regarding Peanut Butter and Jelly Homeschool please reach out to peanutbutterandjellyhomeschool@gmail.com

EIN 88-4369642